Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Suck At This

Ok, yeah... I know... more than a month.

In my defense, I've been really busy lately. I was TDY to three different cities in four weeks. Try as I might to get miles in on a treadmill, it didn't happen. I'm kinda behind on my mileage right now (140 at the moment)

I have gotten in some pretty nice long runs since I've returned though. Notably was the 20 miler last Saturday, and then 10 on Monday. The 20 sucked because I was dehydrated to begin with and it was hot out, but I pushed through it anyways. 10 was hard because I was just tired, but I did pretty well for those conditions.

Yesterday at PT was the trail run, which I smoked everyone but one person. Good because I placed 2nd, bad because it gave me shinsplints (anyone who knows why I get shinsplints only when I run really fast, could you please let me know!)

Today was 8 miles with shinsplints, which made my time really slow. I think this run taught me what its like to require mental energy to finish a run. By the time I ran through the shinsplints, I was exhausted mentally, which only let me run maybe a half mile at a time. My legs felt reasonably well, and I wasn't breathing heavy, just done. It taught me a lot.

Anyways, tomorrow is another 8 miles (hopefully easier), then Saturday is 19 miles early in the morning followed by a 5K in Pensacola with Emily and a bunch of work friends! I'm excited for it for the chance to run with Emily (she says she's too slow, but I'll be pretty slow by then too), and to do another 5K and another race to my growing list of runs I've done. Looking forward to it!

(I'll eventually get better at this thing, I promise!)

1 comment:

Emily said...

Thanks for running with me and being so patient with how slow I am ;) haha you're the best!