So I was reading about IT Band Syndrome, and many of the articles pointed to this little piece of medieval torture equipment...
Wow does this thing hurt, but its a good hurt! Just put it under my leg while laying down on my side, and roll back and forth. It's foam, so it'll feel good, right?
NO! It hurts like hell. Yeah, it feels better when you get up and move around for a few seconds, but the few seconds that you're actually using it... pain. I tried it on my back too, and realized that I'm just one big ball of muscle knots! The next few weeks are gonna be painful with this thing, but hopefully I'll be better off than I was without it.
My knee feels pretty good right now, so for the moment I'm still going to go to PT tomorrow. I told everyone at work not to expect me, but I'm feeling a bit better and its only 1.5 miles, so I can walk out if I get too bad. I gotta see where I stand though, with a 12 miler on Wednesday, 8 on Thursday, and 24 on Friday so I can have a restful weekend. Still don't know what I'm gonna do about the 10 miler on Sunday, either get up early and do it or break it up over a day or three. Who knows. Lets just get past Wednesday before I make those plans...
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