Saturday, December 20, 2008

Another Week Gone By

So there goes another week...

I finally signed up for those two marathons, the ING Atlanta Marathon and the Country Music Marathon in Nashville TN.

I'm pumped for these runs. Not only will they be valuable training runs for back to back long runs, but it also knocks out two states on my "run a marathon in every state" goal.

I'm also very excited for the Keys 50! I can't wait for the chance to try to tackle the ultra since my comeback to running.

So I'm flying back to Pittsburgh on Tuesday for the holidays... To me, it just doesn't seem like Christmas. Is it just me? Maybe its the fact that it was 80 degrees and sunny here today (you can be jealous, its ok) but Christmas has kind of snuck up on me. I'm excited to go home though. I get to see my family for the first time since July, and I get to see Emily again!!!

But I dunno, I just can't believe its the end of the year already. I guess its time to start making goals for the new year. Undoubtedly most if not all will be running related, but any type of goal is better than none at all, right?

I did 2 mile runs on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and I did my weight lifting routine yesterday. My weightlifting scheme goes like this: Squats, Benchpress, Lat Pulldowns, Shoulder Presses, Upright Rows, Tricep Pushdowns, and Bicep Curls. I also do Hanging Leg Raises using the Perfect Pushup Ab Straps, which makes them a bit easier to do than just hanging from the bar with your hands. I try to do three sets of eight for each exercise, although if I can't do them all in three sets, I try to get in 24 reps total. I've been using a slightly different technique than normal and have been seeing some pretty decent results. Instead of slow, moderate weight lifts, I've been doing heavy lifts as fast as I can, with more rest in between sets. It's been working well so far... Today I did another 4 mile run, although a bit slow, but it was still good to get out.

I think I strained or pulled a muscle in my neck while lifting on Wednesday... its hard to move my head to the left... ouch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you too babe! :)