Ok, with the holidays behind me, its time to start seriously training...
I think my shoulder is pretty much back to normal. It still feels tight when I turn my head to either side. I think I need to add another shoulder and back exercise to my lifting routine to help out with the weakness I have there. Anyways, I can start running, so I'll do that tomorrow along with a bike ride maybe.
My holidays were very restful. I was glad to go home to Pittsburgh and see my family and Emily. However now I'm back, and its time to focus...
So with the year behind me, its nice to see that I made it this far. I'm still here, I'm running competitively again, and I'm ready to make a go at an ultramarathon in May. Those are big accomplishments considering in February I could barely walk a quarter mile in less than an hour and a half. Its nice to look back and see where I was as compared to now. But all that stuff is in the past, now its time to look ahead.
Its the new year, and as is customary at new years, everyone makes a new years resolution. Everyone always says "I'm going to lose weight, I'm going to quit smoking, I'm going to stop this, or that, I'm going to be nicer"...
The problem is that everyone starts a goal with such tenacity from the starting line that its completely unrealistic to maintain that velocity for an entire year. Most people who try to lose weight go on celery diets and exercise to exhaustion so often that their bodies crave more energy and rest, with causes them to be miserable and crash to the point they give in and binge. Same thing with smoking. A lot of smokers will go cold turkey, and within days the withdrawals will become so intense that once again, they crash. I think the best way to accomplish these goals is to make smaller goals at intervals throughout the year. For instance, losing weight. Instead of "losing weight" as a goal, make it "I'm going to weigh 195 by the end of January instead of 200, and 190 by the end of February". Make it something measurable with concrete and numeric values.
In light of this, I'm going to say that mine is to meet my running/cycling goals for 2009. What are my running goals? I'm glad you asked. I'll list them here:
1) Complete at least one official ultramarathon (Keys 50)
2) Complete at least four official marathons
3) Complete a half-Ironman Triathlon
4) Run a sub - six minute mile
5) Run a sub - 42 minute 7 mile run
6) Run 2000 miles this year
7) Keep a training log to track progress
8) Ride a sub 3 hour 50 mile bike ride
9) Ride a sub 6 hour century ride
10) Start riding the bike to work
Those are some lofty goals for one year, but I think its achievable. The Half-Ironman will be very beneficial to me as its extra training through cross-training, leading to better running for the rest of the goals. 2000 miles will be another challenging goal, but my ultra plan through May has me running 816 miles, so it should put me well ahead of the curve before the halfway point of the year.
So there you have it, my running goals. I hope everyone has a very successful and productive year. I know that mine is going to be one hell of a ride!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Freakin' OWWW!
No running today...
Right after I posted yesterday, my shoulder really started to hurt. It hurts to move my head to the side, and getting up and laying down is pretty bad. Today isn't nearly as bad as it was yesterday, but it still hurts something fierce.
I think its a pretty decent muscle pull, because it looks like its starting to bruise. I can't really tell because its on my back and, well, MY NECK HURTS!
So I'm gonna take today, tomorrow, and Tuesday off and just suck down a ton of advil and rest.
I'm feeling kinda bitter since I'm not able to work out today, but I don't want to force myself through pain out of fear that it'll just hurt longer, so just bear with me for a few days and I'll be better...
Right after I posted yesterday, my shoulder really started to hurt. It hurts to move my head to the side, and getting up and laying down is pretty bad. Today isn't nearly as bad as it was yesterday, but it still hurts something fierce.
I think its a pretty decent muscle pull, because it looks like its starting to bruise. I can't really tell because its on my back and, well, MY NECK HURTS!
So I'm gonna take today, tomorrow, and Tuesday off and just suck down a ton of advil and rest.
I'm feeling kinda bitter since I'm not able to work out today, but I don't want to force myself through pain out of fear that it'll just hurt longer, so just bear with me for a few days and I'll be better...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Another Week Gone By
So there goes another week...
I finally signed up for those two marathons, the ING Atlanta Marathon and the Country Music Marathon in Nashville TN.
I'm pumped for these runs. Not only will they be valuable training runs for back to back long runs, but it also knocks out two states on my "run a marathon in every state" goal.
I'm also very excited for the Keys 50! I can't wait for the chance to try to tackle the ultra since my comeback to running.
So I'm flying back to Pittsburgh on Tuesday for the holidays... To me, it just doesn't seem like Christmas. Is it just me? Maybe its the fact that it was 80 degrees and sunny here today (you can be jealous, its ok) but Christmas has kind of snuck up on me. I'm excited to go home though. I get to see my family for the first time since July, and I get to see Emily again!!!
But I dunno, I just can't believe its the end of the year already. I guess its time to start making goals for the new year. Undoubtedly most if not all will be running related, but any type of goal is better than none at all, right?
I did 2 mile runs on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and I did my weight lifting routine yesterday. My weightlifting scheme goes like this: Squats, Benchpress, Lat Pulldowns, Shoulder Presses, Upright Rows, Tricep Pushdowns, and Bicep Curls. I also do Hanging Leg Raises using the Perfect Pushup Ab Straps, which makes them a bit easier to do than just hanging from the bar with your hands. I try to do three sets of eight for each exercise, although if I can't do them all in three sets, I try to get in 24 reps total. I've been using a slightly different technique than normal and have been seeing some pretty decent results. Instead of slow, moderate weight lifts, I've been doing heavy lifts as fast as I can, with more rest in between sets. It's been working well so far... Today I did another 4 mile run, although a bit slow, but it was still good to get out.
I think I strained or pulled a muscle in my neck while lifting on Wednesday... its hard to move my head to the left... ouch!
I finally signed up for those two marathons, the ING Atlanta Marathon and the Country Music Marathon in Nashville TN.
I'm pumped for these runs. Not only will they be valuable training runs for back to back long runs, but it also knocks out two states on my "run a marathon in every state" goal.
I'm also very excited for the Keys 50! I can't wait for the chance to try to tackle the ultra since my comeback to running.
So I'm flying back to Pittsburgh on Tuesday for the holidays... To me, it just doesn't seem like Christmas. Is it just me? Maybe its the fact that it was 80 degrees and sunny here today (you can be jealous, its ok) but Christmas has kind of snuck up on me. I'm excited to go home though. I get to see my family for the first time since July, and I get to see Emily again!!!
But I dunno, I just can't believe its the end of the year already. I guess its time to start making goals for the new year. Undoubtedly most if not all will be running related, but any type of goal is better than none at all, right?
I did 2 mile runs on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and I did my weight lifting routine yesterday. My weightlifting scheme goes like this: Squats, Benchpress, Lat Pulldowns, Shoulder Presses, Upright Rows, Tricep Pushdowns, and Bicep Curls. I also do Hanging Leg Raises using the Perfect Pushup Ab Straps, which makes them a bit easier to do than just hanging from the bar with your hands. I try to do three sets of eight for each exercise, although if I can't do them all in three sets, I try to get in 24 reps total. I've been using a slightly different technique than normal and have been seeing some pretty decent results. Instead of slow, moderate weight lifts, I've been doing heavy lifts as fast as I can, with more rest in between sets. It's been working well so far... Today I did another 4 mile run, although a bit slow, but it was still good to get out.
I think I strained or pulled a muscle in my neck while lifting on Wednesday... its hard to move my head to the left... ouch!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Every Day
This has been the first week where I've ran every day in a long time. Granted, every day except for yesterday and today was only a 2 mile run, but still, it was a pretty good week.
I had a string of headaches this week, one so bad on Tuesday I had to leave work around noon. I really hate doing that, but I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. It sucked, but I felt fine after another few hour nap that I could do my run for the day. It was kinda still there on Wednesday, but came back pretty bad on Thursday. Thursday at work was spent escorting building contractors around the office. It took them all friggin' day to do their three upgrades (there were 4 workers!).
Saturday I woke up early and helped my friend Joe move to his new house. It wasn't a horrible experience, just a lot of heavy stuff down six flights of stairs, then run back up for the next load. I considered it my lifting workout for the day. Then I went home and started/finished my Christmas shopping. I'm pretty good at that I guess.
Today I woke up early, did a 3 mile run, went to brunch with people with my flight, came home and watched football, and then did another 3 mile run. I'm feeling pretty good right now, even if it was only six miles, I'm expecting to be a little sore tomorrow. We'll see.
This week should be a pretty light one work-wise, so there are plenty of opportunities to kick my ass a little more. The only easy day was yesterday!
I had a string of headaches this week, one so bad on Tuesday I had to leave work around noon. I really hate doing that, but I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. It sucked, but I felt fine after another few hour nap that I could do my run for the day. It was kinda still there on Wednesday, but came back pretty bad on Thursday. Thursday at work was spent escorting building contractors around the office. It took them all friggin' day to do their three upgrades (there were 4 workers!).
Saturday I woke up early and helped my friend Joe move to his new house. It wasn't a horrible experience, just a lot of heavy stuff down six flights of stairs, then run back up for the next load. I considered it my lifting workout for the day. Then I went home and started/finished my Christmas shopping. I'm pretty good at that I guess.
Today I woke up early, did a 3 mile run, went to brunch with people with my flight, came home and watched football, and then did another 3 mile run. I'm feeling pretty good right now, even if it was only six miles, I'm expecting to be a little sore tomorrow. We'll see.
This week should be a pretty light one work-wise, so there are plenty of opportunities to kick my ass a little more. The only easy day was yesterday!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
190 Days!
Late last night I registered for the Keys 50. Kinda pumped about it now that its an official thing on the list. I'm thinking about also pretty sure about the ING and Country Music Marathons. I'm kinda thinking about the Andrew Jackson Marathon in Jackson Tennessee the weekend before the Country Music Marathon, but I'm not sure if I want to drive to Tennessee two weekends in a row.
Today I woke up early and knocked out a two mile run. When I got back, Joe, my roommate, suggested a long bike ride. Sure, 30 or so miles after a run, I've done it before, shouldn't be too bad, right? Ha...
Joe on the bike

Part of the ride goes right along the Bayou. Pretty nice view

At 17 miles, my front tire started to feel flat, so we turned around. Also, going out is a very gradual constant down hill ride, so it was easy to get up to about 20 miles per hour, no problem. Coming back sucked. Pretty bad wind all the way back, on a partially deflated tire... up hill...
This is me, exhausted, with a few miles to go...

So right now, I'm smoked, but that's good, right? Tomorrow is a rest day, so only lifting after work. Shouldn't be too bad of a day. We'll see...
190 days to the big race!
Today I woke up early and knocked out a two mile run. When I got back, Joe, my roommate, suggested a long bike ride. Sure, 30 or so miles after a run, I've done it before, shouldn't be too bad, right? Ha...
Joe on the bike

Part of the ride goes right along the Bayou. Pretty nice view

At 17 miles, my front tire started to feel flat, so we turned around. Also, going out is a very gradual constant down hill ride, so it was easy to get up to about 20 miles per hour, no problem. Coming back sucked. Pretty bad wind all the way back, on a partially deflated tire... up hill...
This is me, exhausted, with a few miles to go...

So right now, I'm smoked, but that's good, right? Tomorrow is a rest day, so only lifting after work. Shouldn't be too bad of a day. We'll see...
190 days to the big race!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I Hate Treadmills
Yes, I'm still alive...
Emily came down for a few days for Thanksgiving, which was busy, and then immediately after that weekend, I had to go to Dallas TX on a work related trip. I left early Monday Morning, went through Memphis, Chicago, Houston, and then to Dallas. It wasn't too cold there, so I could have run outside had I not been working 12 hour days. Since it was around 9 pm or so when I would get back to change into workout clothes, here's where my running took place:

I can't stand running on treadmills. It's so fake... I'll use one when I have to, but I prefer to actually go somewhere. Treadmills are just noisy and use way too many numbers to make a run enjoyable. Instead of walking out my door, starting at the driveway, running to another pre-determined point, and finishing at my driveway, enjoying the wind against my face and the sunlight or moonlight showing the way, its push start, run a few miles, then push stop, enjoying the sweaty air and the neon lights buzzing overhead. Sign me up for that one...
Anyways, I did a few 2 mile runs while I was there. I brought my perfect pushup things along. (I can't do regular pushups too often, I had wrist surgery and it hurts when I keep my wrist bent too long) Those kept the heart rate up when I wasn't running, so I had a good workout or two while away. Today I had another two mile run and I'll have one tomorrow. I'll stick to two mile runs until next Saturday. The weekends will gradually increase in mileage until I get to the start point of my training plan.
Speaking of the training plan, I noticed today that I have a few marathon distance runs in May and April. I'm thinking about doing the ING Marathon in Atlanta and the Country Music Marathon in Nashville as training runs. This will help me in reaching my goal of a marathon in every state and getting me to the finish for the Keys 50 miler. I'll give it some thought this week before I decide...
Emily came down for a few days for Thanksgiving, which was busy, and then immediately after that weekend, I had to go to Dallas TX on a work related trip. I left early Monday Morning, went through Memphis, Chicago, Houston, and then to Dallas. It wasn't too cold there, so I could have run outside had I not been working 12 hour days. Since it was around 9 pm or so when I would get back to change into workout clothes, here's where my running took place:

I can't stand running on treadmills. It's so fake... I'll use one when I have to, but I prefer to actually go somewhere. Treadmills are just noisy and use way too many numbers to make a run enjoyable. Instead of walking out my door, starting at the driveway, running to another pre-determined point, and finishing at my driveway, enjoying the wind against my face and the sunlight or moonlight showing the way, its push start, run a few miles, then push stop, enjoying the sweaty air and the neon lights buzzing overhead. Sign me up for that one...
Anyways, I did a few 2 mile runs while I was there. I brought my perfect pushup things along. (I can't do regular pushups too often, I had wrist surgery and it hurts when I keep my wrist bent too long) Those kept the heart rate up when I wasn't running, so I had a good workout or two while away. Today I had another two mile run and I'll have one tomorrow. I'll stick to two mile runs until next Saturday. The weekends will gradually increase in mileage until I get to the start point of my training plan.
Speaking of the training plan, I noticed today that I have a few marathon distance runs in May and April. I'm thinking about doing the ING Marathon in Atlanta and the Country Music Marathon in Nashville as training runs. This will help me in reaching my goal of a marathon in every state and getting me to the finish for the Keys 50 miler. I'll give it some thought this week before I decide...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
And So It Begins...
So I did my first run today since the Marine Corps Marathon!
The reason I haven't been running for a month is that my foot was hurting right after the marathon. It was right behind the ball of my foot, right at the beginning of my arch behind my big toe. It hurt to put any weight on the front of my foot. Thinking it might be a stress fracture or a bruised bone, I gave myself a month off from running and mostly stuck to the bike (that one's another post)
Anyways, I spent 20 minutes on the bike (just over 6 miles) then got off and ran 2 miles. Did a few sets of pushups right afterwards, and I'm a bit tired right now. Overall, it took me about 45 minutes. Not bad for a month off from running, huh?
I didn't end up going to PT today. Yesterday, while riding my bike, I took a bit of a fall but caught myself with my hands to break the fall. However, I jammed both my wrists, and I felt that if I showed up for PT, it'd be a killer pushup workout, so I just didn't go.
Seeing as how the title of this blog is "The Long and Lonely Road", I figured I'd show everyone the long and lonely road that starts every run and bike ride of mine...

This is Bayshore drive, going northwest. I do anywhere from 2 to 7 miles on this road, then towards the busier parts of Niceville to do anything longer. It's usually pretty quiet, I only saw one stocky italian guy chugging along on it today, so it's nice for running. Anyways, just something to give you a visual on where I'm running. Maybe a bike ride tomorrow, if I can fit it into getting ready for Thanksgiving?
And thus my journey continutes...
The reason I haven't been running for a month is that my foot was hurting right after the marathon. It was right behind the ball of my foot, right at the beginning of my arch behind my big toe. It hurt to put any weight on the front of my foot. Thinking it might be a stress fracture or a bruised bone, I gave myself a month off from running and mostly stuck to the bike (that one's another post)
Anyways, I spent 20 minutes on the bike (just over 6 miles) then got off and ran 2 miles. Did a few sets of pushups right afterwards, and I'm a bit tired right now. Overall, it took me about 45 minutes. Not bad for a month off from running, huh?
I didn't end up going to PT today. Yesterday, while riding my bike, I took a bit of a fall but caught myself with my hands to break the fall. However, I jammed both my wrists, and I felt that if I showed up for PT, it'd be a killer pushup workout, so I just didn't go.
Seeing as how the title of this blog is "The Long and Lonely Road", I figured I'd show everyone the long and lonely road that starts every run and bike ride of mine...
This is Bayshore drive, going northwest. I do anywhere from 2 to 7 miles on this road, then towards the busier parts of Niceville to do anything longer. It's usually pretty quiet, I only saw one stocky italian guy chugging along on it today, so it's nice for running. Anyways, just something to give you a visual on where I'm running. Maybe a bike ride tomorrow, if I can fit it into getting ready for Thanksgiving?
And thus my journey continutes...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Looking Down the Road
First Post!
So since this is supposed to be about me and my ultra running dreams, maybe I should explain a bit about how I got this crazy idea...
Once upon a time I was a third classman (sophomore) at VMI. Probably one of the more stressful years there, which was probably the reason I started smoking cigarettes. It wasn't very much, maybe one or two cigarettes a day, but still, shouldn't have done it. Anyways, I was doing that and not exercising very often, which led to weight gain and a slow run time. I was barely passing my PT tests. So on a cold Friday, January 28, 2005, watching the snow come down after dinner and going outside for my nightly cigarette, I started thinking about how big and slow I've become. I put out my cigarette and got into my PT uniform and found my way down to the gym, which I had never been inside before. Found an empty treadmill and started running. An hour and 15 minutes later, I had hobbled my way 5 miles on that noisy treadmill and kicked my nasty habit (for the most part, I only grab a cigarette if i get really pissed off).
Sitting at home in Pittsburgh the next spring break (I didn't have any money to go to anywhere warm) I was watching TV, and this Gatorade commercial came on, or some kind of sports drink, where these athletes came on and said "this drink helps me hit homeruns, score touchdowns" stuff like that. This girl comes on and says "this drink helps me run marathons", then another guy comes on and says "this drink helps me run 100 miles". They show the girl again and she asks "did he just say 100 miles!?". I sat there in amazement. I was considering training for a marathon since at the time I thought it was the limit of endurance and that was it, nothing further. My first thought was that 100 miles was crazy. My second was where do I sign up?
Fast forward a year. I joined the Marathon club at VMI and ran the Marshall University Marathon in Fall of 2005 (crazy to think that my first marathon was in the nation's fattest city!). Then I did the Ocean City Maryland Marathon in Spring 2006 (sprained my ankle six miles in, but still finished!). In Fall 2006, I did the Marine Corps Marathon and completely loved it. Thousands of people to help you to the finish, amazing sights, outstanding support from hundreds of Marines lining the sidewalks. So far its my favorite marathon. I also did the Air Force Marathon, but that one was a disaster. I had a bad timing chip so I didn't get credit for the race, and the line I got herded into ran out of medals. I waited for about a half hour with a few other people who didn't get them, but we just ended up leaving, since it was freezing cold! I probably won't be doing that one again. In January of 2007 my family went down to the Florida Keys for a vacation. I had a crazy idea of running from Marathon (fitting enough) to Key West, 50 miles. It took me 10 and a half hours and about 40 bucks of Mountain Dew and crap food, but I did it. It sucked that it would be my final long run for a while...
After the Keys ultra, my knee started hurting when I ran. I had to skip out of the marathon club for my last year at VMI. I graduated and commissioned into the Air Force, and moved down here to Eglin AFB. After a few months of my knee killing me while I was down here, I finally got it looked at by a real doctor (as opposed to the one at school who said it was just a strained muscle). Turns out I had bone cancer the entire time. I went through three rounds of chemotherapy and four rounds of radiation therapy and surgery in Spring 2008 and now I'm finally back to normal. Since then I have finished the Marine Corps Marathon again in Fall 2008 and now I'm looking to register for the Florida Keys 50 next May 16 (Now that its an offical race!)
I start training for it tomorrow. I'm gonna increase the miles up slowly, then follow this training plan I found on the internet. I forget where I found it, if I find it again I'll post it, but basically you just put in the race date and it calculates a training plan for you. Pretty cool, and since this is the first ultra that I'm gonna actually train for, its a good template to figure out what works for me and what doesn't. Anyways, tomorrow is either PT tomorrow or a two mile run after work (since I don't know what we'll be doing at PT, sometimes we don't do anything longer than a lap or two then a ton of calisthenics.
So that's the book about my life, or at least my running life. I promise that the majority of the rest of my posts won't be as long and will contain actual running...
A note on my blog's title: I'm not a lonely person, I have tons of friends, a loving girlfriend, and I never feel completely alone. It's meant to convey the thought of how even though my friends support me, they still think I'm crazy and have no desire to follow in my footsteps. I personally don't know anyone else who is an ultra runner, just a few internet friends. In my ultra running journey, its just me and a long and lonely road...
So since this is supposed to be about me and my ultra running dreams, maybe I should explain a bit about how I got this crazy idea...
Once upon a time I was a third classman (sophomore) at VMI. Probably one of the more stressful years there, which was probably the reason I started smoking cigarettes. It wasn't very much, maybe one or two cigarettes a day, but still, shouldn't have done it. Anyways, I was doing that and not exercising very often, which led to weight gain and a slow run time. I was barely passing my PT tests. So on a cold Friday, January 28, 2005, watching the snow come down after dinner and going outside for my nightly cigarette, I started thinking about how big and slow I've become. I put out my cigarette and got into my PT uniform and found my way down to the gym, which I had never been inside before. Found an empty treadmill and started running. An hour and 15 minutes later, I had hobbled my way 5 miles on that noisy treadmill and kicked my nasty habit (for the most part, I only grab a cigarette if i get really pissed off).
Sitting at home in Pittsburgh the next spring break (I didn't have any money to go to anywhere warm) I was watching TV, and this Gatorade commercial came on, or some kind of sports drink, where these athletes came on and said "this drink helps me hit homeruns, score touchdowns" stuff like that. This girl comes on and says "this drink helps me run marathons", then another guy comes on and says "this drink helps me run 100 miles". They show the girl again and she asks "did he just say 100 miles!?". I sat there in amazement. I was considering training for a marathon since at the time I thought it was the limit of endurance and that was it, nothing further. My first thought was that 100 miles was crazy. My second was where do I sign up?
Fast forward a year. I joined the Marathon club at VMI and ran the Marshall University Marathon in Fall of 2005 (crazy to think that my first marathon was in the nation's fattest city!). Then I did the Ocean City Maryland Marathon in Spring 2006 (sprained my ankle six miles in, but still finished!). In Fall 2006, I did the Marine Corps Marathon and completely loved it. Thousands of people to help you to the finish, amazing sights, outstanding support from hundreds of Marines lining the sidewalks. So far its my favorite marathon. I also did the Air Force Marathon, but that one was a disaster. I had a bad timing chip so I didn't get credit for the race, and the line I got herded into ran out of medals. I waited for about a half hour with a few other people who didn't get them, but we just ended up leaving, since it was freezing cold! I probably won't be doing that one again. In January of 2007 my family went down to the Florida Keys for a vacation. I had a crazy idea of running from Marathon (fitting enough) to Key West, 50 miles. It took me 10 and a half hours and about 40 bucks of Mountain Dew and crap food, but I did it. It sucked that it would be my final long run for a while...
After the Keys ultra, my knee started hurting when I ran. I had to skip out of the marathon club for my last year at VMI. I graduated and commissioned into the Air Force, and moved down here to Eglin AFB. After a few months of my knee killing me while I was down here, I finally got it looked at by a real doctor (as opposed to the one at school who said it was just a strained muscle). Turns out I had bone cancer the entire time. I went through three rounds of chemotherapy and four rounds of radiation therapy and surgery in Spring 2008 and now I'm finally back to normal. Since then I have finished the Marine Corps Marathon again in Fall 2008 and now I'm looking to register for the Florida Keys 50 next May 16 (Now that its an offical race!)
I start training for it tomorrow. I'm gonna increase the miles up slowly, then follow this training plan I found on the internet. I forget where I found it, if I find it again I'll post it, but basically you just put in the race date and it calculates a training plan for you. Pretty cool, and since this is the first ultra that I'm gonna actually train for, its a good template to figure out what works for me and what doesn't. Anyways, tomorrow is either PT tomorrow or a two mile run after work (since I don't know what we'll be doing at PT, sometimes we don't do anything longer than a lap or two then a ton of calisthenics.
So that's the book about my life, or at least my running life. I promise that the majority of the rest of my posts won't be as long and will contain actual running...
A note on my blog's title: I'm not a lonely person, I have tons of friends, a loving girlfriend, and I never feel completely alone. It's meant to convey the thought of how even though my friends support me, they still think I'm crazy and have no desire to follow in my footsteps. I personally don't know anyone else who is an ultra runner, just a few internet friends. In my ultra running journey, its just me and a long and lonely road...
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